Civil Society Days 2023

Civil Society Days 2023

The 2023 edition of the EESC Civil Society Days will bring together citizens, organised civil society and the European institutions under the theme "Civil society organisations: a pillar of democracy and a key player to overcome current challenges". 

In the context many seismic shifts currently underway - for example war on European soil, post-pandemic recovery etc - it is clear that strong civil society organisations are more important than ever. A strong, independent and diverse civil society is a central part of a stable and resilient democracy.
This event is drawing on the outcomes from the Conference on the Future of Europe, and is an investment in civic education. Under consideration during the event are questions like;

How do we see participatory and deliberative democracy in the future? 

How can we democratise the European economy? 

How should civil society be funded? 

What do digital rights mean to citizens? 

What skills do we need?  
More information can be found here.


External Event