#StrongerTogether: SSAH and the future of evidence-informed policymaking

Royal Museum of Central Africa - Tervuren, Belgium

Advance the integration of SSAH into EIPM ecosystems

The aim of the conference is to bring together policymakers, SSAH scientists and science brokers  (from government and from academia, managing data and/or knowledge) and have a dialogue about how to integrate further the diverse expertise from the arts, the social sciences and the humanities into the production of evidence for the benefit of policy makers and society.

Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities (SSAH) in providing diverse perspectives and expertise to policy makers, as well as the need for policymakers to frame their demand of expertise in a way that takes into account and at the same time stimulates this diversity. Despite traditionally being overshadowed by STEM disciplines in evidence-informed policy making (EIPM) processes, SSAH researchers have nevertheless been in the recent years increasingly recognised for their unique contributions and impact on policy.

The conference aims specifically to 
  • Facilitate discussions
  • Bring together 150+ participants
  • Produce a policy brief
  • Align with EU initiatives
  • Benefit member states

Through keynote speeches, presentation of case studies by experts and, most importantly, interactive debates in thematic parallel sessions, participants to the conference will have the unique opportunity to discuss a more efficient SSAH contribution to evidence-informed policymaking ecosystems in Europe.

Practical Information

In order to truly have an interactive conference, the number of places is limited to 150+ participants. The registration is based on a first come first served basis.

For agenda and registrattion details, click here


This conference reinforces KT4D motivations by cultivating collaborative discussions among SSAH researchers and policymakers to ensure multidisciplinary expertise is considered in the development of policy solutions. The diversity of SSAH actors and decision makers ensures wide-ranging and complex societal challenges are addressed in capacity-building interventions. 

For more information on KT4D and influence of culture on policy recommendations, click here

External Event