Defending European Democracy

EDAP Factsheet

This European initiative will introduce the defence of democracy package and cover the review of the implementation of the European democracy action plan while looking into further ways to strengthen democratic resilience, while following up on the Conference on the Future of Europe.

On the 16th of February the European Commission launched a public consultation to support the Defence of Democracy initiative which the Commission aims to launch prior to summer 2023 and aims to gather perspectives on the risks, gaps and requirements for better defense strategies.

The consultation is open until the 13 of April 2023 and more information can be found here.

The consultation is targeted to "a wide range of public and private stakeholders, including: the research community and academia; representative organisations of relevant sectors of the business community (e.g. lobbying and public relations agencies); civil society organisations; relevant professional and industry organisations; subject matter experts in relevant fields; relevant national authorities; political parties representatives and relevant international organisations and standard setting bodies, such as the OECD and the Council of Europe, as well as citizens of all ages".

More information on the current European Democracy Action Plan can be found here.